About Acharya Ji
“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”
-Lou Holtz

Acharya Anupam Jolly ji comes from a very simple family of Jaipur. Every child is born with a kind heart; it’s the way they are fostered that allows them to safe keep that part un-blotched and Spartan forever. Acharya Anupam Jolly Ji stood to his firm belief of helping others without any personal gluttony and hence had one driving thought as he quotes” I will live my life as a SPIRITUAL HUMAN SOUL”. He completed his education from Rajasthan University with science faculty, but along with that he had keen interest in learning astrology so as to become proficient to guide the people who need such help.
He began working for a company to carry out the basic needs of life because money is a necessity. He had to lie in his profession and misdirect people to profit the company. His soul cursed him every time he had to do so, incessantly until he finally decided to banish this facet of his life. He pursued his career in astrology and successfully helped many people from any adverse effects of misguided life. But a man is never complete without a woman and the success of a man solely depends on her. So is the case here too, Dr Himani J shared the stack of her dreams along with the principles of Acharya Anupam Ji to setup a non-profit Non Government Organization “Maitreya”. Maitreya benefits the non privileged women and children of the society. The funds are entirely invested from their personal earnings and no explicit support is available to them. Acharya Anupam Jolly ji with his firm values and the vision of her wife is meticulously driven to serve the Below Poverty Line Women & Children so as to achieve his goal of bliss. With these inspiring words from his ideal he moves on doing deeds of greater good.
He quotes “I got my path to life without compromising my responsibilities and needs because “Yoganand Ji” said if you run away from your duties you cannot get a path of Divinity.”Maitreya” is that base which allows him to accomplish his duties towards life and in the process share a bright light of hope with those who have been snatched of their vital life force.
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