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Raas Color Carnival
Every being that is born on this earth pursues only one quest in life, to attain happiness by beholding every color that brightens the vivacity of their life. India is the most diverse and vibrant of nations in the world and the festivals celebrated have embarked their own uniqueness. The most colorful and literally “most colorful” of festivals on the face of earth is “Holi”.
Like any other Hindu custom, this festival began with the lore from the Shrine Scripture of Gita. Maitreya is taking a leap out of this divine book to spread the color and happiness to those who are bereft from every iota of happiness- the “Below Poverty Line women and children”.
Raas is the event that we are organizing to collect benefits to distribute it to these destitute people in which tourists from across the world will participate in various activities to enjoy this festival of Colors to bring shades of happiness in the lives of those who have been left abandoned because of no rational reasons. “Raasleela” was the act that Hindu Lord Krishna indulged into with his Gopi’s to celebrate this festival of colors “Holi”. ‘Holi’ originates from the word ‘hola’ which means sacrifice. Furthermore, this festival is a reminder that we must live our lives in a spirit of service and reparation. Holi symbolizes triumph of our higher yearnings over our lower, base wishes. It is the blazing of our trivial, material goals at the holy place of our objective of progression toward oneself. It symbolizes the victory of good over evil, a moral that goes through every Indian celebration. For it is inconceivable that the individuals who live their lives by truth will ever be overcome by the degenerate. And that is the motive behind “Raas Color Carnival”. We are trying to subdue the social evil of poverty stricken and molested Women and Children of our society with the funding that we accumulate with our endeavor. Another imperative part of Holi is its utter and absolute eccentricity and livid colors everywhere. The profound life is not about surrendering our belonging rather finding higher, perpetual delights. It is a way loaded with karma and transcripts of sheer delight reflected in the life of Lord Krishna.
Subsequently we have arranged for activities during this festival that will emancipate every color in the atmosphere.
- We begin with “Holi Pujan” a custom to start off any positive crusade with about a thousand participants involved at the same time.
- Thereafter, it’s the “Holi Carnival Rally” commonly called as the Shobha Yatra with an approx of 350 artists performing their art and 50 festooned trucks glamorizing the heritage of Rajasthan.
- Well, it is the festival of colors and unless we do not ensemble into the color parade with total madness, it feels off. Hence, we have this “Fun with Colors” where every tourist can play with every color like a free wild tot to dye their memories permanently.
- After this hefty but lively event, hunger prowls in and to counter that we have “Food Festival”, where paid food stalls will cater every dish remarking Holi and the Rajasthani culture.
- The fun will keep mounting with the “Traditional Games” like playing with wooden sticks, rumbling around with colors etecetra.
- In the evening, “Events & Cultural Programs” will be held where you can enjoy the traditional dances and puppet shows, plays and much more.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Our achievements to-date enlists the following undertakings:
- Free medical checkups and distribution of medicines for common diseases.
- Referral of serious cases to Government Hospitals
- Awareness camps for inculcating safe habits of sanitation against polluted water and dirty surroundings.
- Enlightening them to include nutritional food in their diet and making them available so as to fight malnutrition especially for infants and pregnant women.
- 3 month training program on tailoring and embroidery to girls and women.
- Awarding them with free sewing machine and tool kit to encourage their hard work and determination.
- Thereafter, we help them outsource their work to Garment factories to help them earn Rs.150-200/- per day.
- We have been hand picking the orphans on street with the assistance of our avid volunteers, local community members, police and child welfare department of Jaipur and relocating them to Child Home Street Children Centre (another NGO supporting our cause).
- Subsequently we also provide these children with educational material, vocational skills training, evening tuitions after school hours, recreation activities and health care.
We culminate our services to curb the degrading social values and manicure the future of Below Poverty Line women and children. But we do not limit ourselves to this, because we understand the need to eradicate the grass root cause instead of just trying to cure the victims. This is where we delineate our Maitreya Missions & Visions.
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We need to take responsibility to help the preservation of the environment to prolong its future, through the use of new technology, information, campaigns and support from people everywhere.
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